1/12/2018 | Babywearing, baby number 3
Aku start menggendong masa anak no 2. Punca sebab anak no 1 aku colicky baby. Trauma oii menjaga anak yang 24 7 menaaaaaaangih je keje nya. Celik je mata nangis. Celik je nangis. Dengan mak nya pun nangis penyudahnya.
Mak aku suggest, gendong la anak tu katanya. Boleh la buat kerja sikit sikit nanti. Idak la ngadap dia je. Masa tu aku macam, alaa yang macam bibik tu ke..ð
so aku buat nohen je
Bila tau pregnant anak kedua, aku dah menggelabah. Ah sudah. macam mana pulak aku nak handle dua orang nih. Sorang pun dah ð
Aku teringat saranan mak dulu. Aku pun search la : Kain Gendong | kot ada tutorial cara nak ikat ke. Dan aku jumpa...
Beraneka jenis.
Banyak jenis rupanya. Lawa lawa pulak tu
Aku pun beli la satu.
Stretchy wrap. Kaler purple.
Belajar cara pakai sendiri sendiri je. Tengok tutorial kat youtube. Try ikat letak bantal. Taktau pun ada babywearing consultant semua tu.
First wrap baby sebenar, masa dia dua ke tiga minggu tu, baru aku berani try. First time kan. Seriau semua ada. Awal awal tu kekok gila. Rasa serba tak kena. Masa tu mana la tau ada fb group apa semua tu. Gerak solo je . Syok sendiri sorang sorang. Sampai la ada suatu hari tu kawan fb tegur, tak join ke group babywearing ni? Aku macam...err group mende pulak nihhh
K. Jom lah. Join lah
Request to join <sent>
From that moment onwards
Everything's changed.
(see. language also changed ð)
Turns out there're more
MORE options for carrier
-fabric blends
MORE people actually wearing their babies ! (So im not alone??!! I have people to talk to??!)
Different blends resulting different fabric characteristics that offers different experiences.
For newborn normally the fabric will be on the soft side. Thin yet supportive. And for carrying toddler fabrics with grippier texture, thick enough to support the kids' weight and being cush on the shoulder are the best. Owh, not to forget the weather. Wools of course will be most helpful in cold season. Ive tried wearing wool in our tropical weather. Well, not so bad if it was at the mall. But definitely not at the beach ðĪĢðĪŠ
Not to mention the
color wise. they even got glitter yarns yallss!
Godaan apakah iniii
The price range
Depends on the types of fabrics. Varies from hand-looms wraps, machinery looms wraps, wraps that made of high quality yarns (ie
silk,wools, organic cottons) , and exclusivity : some wraps is one of a kind. Like literally. There is only one in this whole wide world. Crazy , right ?
Those are the things that will set the price. Super expensive-Expensive-Medium-Affordable
A woven wrap can last till toddler-hood. Or as long as ur shoulder can carry.
Be it International brands such as Artipoppe , Minako, Didymos,
Lenny Lamb, Mokosh-wrap , Tula
Local brands such
as Bebesachi, Jumpsac, Daiesu, Happyfluffy
In fact, the more u wear them, the more comfortable it will become. this is what they called 'well broken in' wraps.
They (the wraps) does need a special care. It is best not to wash it frequently. And if u want to wash it make sure to do it right. Maybe can refer to this guide .
Nah I belanja sikit gambar wrap
Stretchy wrap : easy to pop in/out baby tanpa perlu buka ikatan. Kalau nak bf baby senang keluar masukkan dia. Untuk newborn memang sesuai sangat.
Woven wrap : boleh guna since newborn sampai toddler. Makin kerap pakai, jadi makin best. Sebab wrap tu dah broke in.(kain jadi makin senang ikat, makin lembut, makin squishy katanya). Boleh buat macam macam jenis ikatan. Setakat ni aku reti buat fwcc, fcc, kangaroo,rucksack. Tu je. (ada baaanyak lagi sebenarnya)
SSC : sesuai untuk para suami atau mereka yang tak suka ikat pusing pusing ð senang untuk masuk keluar baby. Especially for toddlers. Kan dorang ni kejap nak dukung, kejap nak berlari. Haa..sesuai la guna ssc ni. Tak yah pening nak kena ikat byk kali.
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Wearing 23days old baby mysha in boba wrap |
Woven wrap : boleh guna since newborn sampai toddler. Makin kerap pakai, jadi makin best. Sebab wrap tu dah broke in.(kain jadi makin senang ikat, makin lembut, makin squishy katanya). Boleh buat macam macam jenis ikatan. Setakat ni aku reti buat fwcc, fcc, kangaroo,rucksack. Tu je. (ada baaanyak lagi sebenarnya)
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Woven wrap : Kokadi Erna in wonderland |
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Tandem carry (midnight rainbow) |
SSC : sesuai untuk para suami atau mereka yang tak suka ikat pusing pusing ð senang untuk masuk keluar baby. Especially for toddlers. Kan dorang ni kejap nak dukung, kejap nak berlari. Haa..sesuai la guna ssc ni. Tak yah pening nak kena ikat byk kali.
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9months old baby hariz in Pognae SSC |
So why do i love babywearing so much?
First, I can go hands-free! Cooking, house chores , travelling.. I love wearing while travelling the most. Inside the house, can. but not so much. i prefer wearing outdoors.
For the baby
My favourite part is "Holding a baby close
to your heart stabilizes baby's heart rate. which will makes the baby calms. "
But u need to keep calm too of course. Baby will notice if ur nervous or anxious.
The other siblings on the other hand...
While i'm carrying the baby, i can also layan them. Then, maybe can cross siblings rivalry. (well, theoritically lah lol)
Believe it or not, nursing the
baby in public will be a lot easier. No one knows whats happening inside the
wrap (skill that i just mastered recently)
That's the end of me justifying my purchases lol
Till then
-yang tengah gila gendong